Good organization at the start can be key to building successful study habits that stick. Help your student set up a dedicated homework station that fits their unique learning style. If a common space in your home works best, consider a transportable bin to make setup and cleanup a breeze. Your school or district website will typically share a supply list, so let your student shop for the items they need and a few fun items for their homework station. A sloth tape dispenser is a small price to pay for harmony with homework.
A family calendar to keep track of important dates, assignments, and extracurricular activities can keep everyone informed, whether it’s a physical calendar in a central location at home or a shared digital calendar that all family members can access. Choose Google, Apple, Cozi, Family Wall, or another system you may already be familiar with from work like Trello, Monday, or Asana. However you choose to track, a weekly meeting to sync can be a game changer. Bookmark the online calendars for your schools and have them handy at the start of the sync. Then, set a timer for 15 minutes, and ask everyone for total focus to complete the sync in the allotted time. You may need to adapt the time to the size of your family and complexity of your commitments. If the sync is quick, you’re less likely to get grumbling when the time comes each week.